Garlic Use In Pets
Isn’t Garlic Harmful To Pets?
A few of the products we carry contain garlic. The most asked question we receive about these products is regarding the use of garlic in the products. Due to technology we have a wealth of information at our fingertips…some good, true information… some not so much.
There are many articles available regarding pet food recalls; these articles always include warnings about feeding “human” food to your pet. There are numerous lists available on the internet warning of foods that are supposedly toxic to dogs. Usually very near the top of the list, right along with chocolate is GARLIC. Truth of the matter…garlic is toxic to dogs–IF THEY EAT 50 CLOVES at one sitting. As I have told numerous customers, I would think that if they ate that many cloves of garlic at one sitting, they would likely have a toxic reaction also. Too much of anything can be toxic in some way.
Truth told, when fed in reasonable amounts garlic is a beneficial addition to any diet you feed your pet. Garlic has been used for decades by holistic vets for its natural flea repellent properties; in addition, garlic is a great antioxidant and detoxifier. Garlic also promotes the production of white blood cells, acting as an immune booster for dogs with low or compromised immunity and may benefit dogs with diabetes by helping reduce blood-sugar levels.
“It is not the substance that defines what is toxic and what isn’t, but the amount.” —- Anonymous