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Garlic Use In Pets

Isn’t Garlic Harmful To Pets?

A few of the products we carry contain garlic. The most asked question we receive about these products is regarding the use of garlic in the products. Due to technology we have a wealth of information at our fingertips…some good, true information… some not so much.

There are many articles available regarding pet food recalls; these articles always include warnings about feeding “human” food to your pet. There are numerous lists available on the internet warning of foods that are supposedly toxic to dogs. Usually very near the top of the list, right along with chocolate is GARLIC. Truth of the matter…garlic is toxic to dogs–IF THEY EAT 50 CLOVES at one sitting. As I have told numerous customers, I would think that if they ate that many cloves of garlic at one sitting, they would likely have a toxic reaction also. Too much of anything can be toxic in some way.

Truth told, when fed in reasonable amounts garlic is a beneficial addition to any diet you feed your pet. Garlic has been used for decades by holistic vets for its natural flea repellent properties; in addition, garlic is a great antioxidant and detoxifier. Garlic also promotes the production of white blood cells, acting as an immune booster for dogs with low or compromised immunity and may benefit dogs with diabetes by helping reduce blood-sugar levels.

“It is not the substance that defines what is toxic and what isn’t, but the amount.” —- Anonymous

What Makes Garlic Beneficial To Pets & People

It is suggested that the active component in a clove of garlic is allicin; allicin is the component of garlic that activates its healing properties. When raw garlic is crushed, chopped or chewed alliin, an amino acid found in garlic, comes into contact with alliinase, an enzyme found in garlic. Heating garlic will lessen the medicinal benefits of garlic, air drying or natural dehydration does not. The garlic used in the products we carry is air dried.

The "Dangers" Of Garlic

Garlic does contain a compound name thiosulphate, this compound is where garlic gets its “bad reputation.” Thiosulphate in “EXTREMELY HIGH” levels can be toxic to pets, causing hemolytic anemia, destroying red blood cells in dogs. Note the emphasis on the words: “extremely high”…to cause anemia your dog would have to ingest up to 50 cloves of garlic in one sitting! If a human ingested that much garlic they would likely experience some adverse reaction also.

People have been feeding garlic to their dogs safely for decades and many healthy pet foods and treats contain small, safe amounts of garlic. When used in moderation garlic can be a healthy supplement. Aside from the natural flea repellent properties, garlic stimulates and supports immune function, triggers gastric juices for better digestion, encourages the growth of good bacteria, prevents infections, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer, detoxifies the blood and improves blood sugar levels.

Garlic Benefits

  • Garlic helps to eliminate worms, strengthens digestion and stimulates the intestinal tract (in a good way) and generally supports intestinal health. In this way, it can be a good choice for dogs making the transition to a fresh, raw diet.
  • It is good for animals that are being fed a high-meat or fish diet, overweight dogs and those that suffer from hip pain, arthritis or dysplasia.
  • Garlic is also a potent anti-fungal agent and can be used topically for fungal skin infections.
  • For helping to clear up cases of hay fever, seasonal allergies, kennel cough or other respiratory ailments, Garlic is useful due to its action as a strong expectorant, helping to clear the lungs and kill bacteria.
  • Garlic is naturally anti-bacterial and can be supplemented to help treat any condition caused by bacteria, internally or externally.
  • In studies, garlic has been shown to reduce blood-sugar levels in diabetic dogs and humans.
  • One of garlic’s most publicized benefits is its ability to lower blood cholesterol and improve circulation.
  • Garlic supports the production of white blood cells, strengthening your dog’s resistance to infections of all kinds.


Although garlic for your pet is relatively safe there are a few instances when caution is advised.

  • Puppies/Kittens – Puppies eight weeks or less don’t produce new red blood cells so never give them garlic. For puppies aged six months to a year, you can be cautious and feed half the regular dose.
  • Pregnant Animals – Always be cautious with any medicine or supplement for pregnant animals. Consult your holistic veterinarian when feeding garlic to expectant mothers. Garlic also changes the taste of breast milk so avoid feeding it to nursing mothers.
  • Specific Breeds – Veterinary herbalist Susan Wynn warns against giving garlic to Akitas and Shiba Inus. These breeds are more sensitive to the hemolytic effects of oxidants such as N-propyl disulphide found in garlic. Consult your holistic vet if you have concerns about your dog’s breed related risks.

These statements have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

The information on this web site or in emails is designed for educational purposes only. The information on this web site is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician or veterinarian. This information is not intended as a substitute for the reader’s independent judgment and personal responsibility. Health issues are far too important to delegate to anyone else. It is highly recommended you research and seek information and counsel from as wide a variety of sources as possible, so you can make well informed educated decisions about you, your child’s, or your pet’s health, as in the end YOU make the decisions.