With the findings that certain ticks can carry dangerous diseases for our pets, and with fleas and heartworms on the rise in many areas due to weather changes, we have all become extra careful to prevent these parasites. With the introduction of spot on products, flea and tick prevention is now easy and convenient for pet owners…easy and convenient is not always the safest. Medical problems that have become common in our pets could potentially be linked to these previously “believed to be innocuous” flea and tick prevention products.
Lab Designed Chemical Flea & Tick Problems
Traditional dog and cat flea and tick preventative treatments are toxic to our pets and us. Most veterinarians recommend toxic chemical flea and tick treatment preventatives. These traditional flea and tick treatments are killing pets, some within a matter of hours, some within a few days, while most it is a slow early death due to the toxic buildup in the body.
Veterinarians are taught that the majority of flea and tick products are harmless and safe to use. Evidence now shows that active ingredients, as well as some inactive ingredients, have been linked to serious health problems in our pets and us.
Websites and advertisements for the topical flea and tick prevention products create the impression that spot-on or topical products stay in the oil glands of the skin. But, studies have shown that many of these chemicals and toxins do enter the pet’s system settling in major organs.
Deadly Ingredients
For the popular spot-on flea and tick treatments, the top 3 most deadly ingredients are Fipronil, Imidacloprid and Pyrethrins.
Fipronil – A study by Dr. Dobozy (EPA Pesticide Division) found that this ingredient (active ingredient of Frontline) does not stay in the oil glands of the skin and does enters the pet’s system and remains there, potentially causing nervous system and thyroid toxicity. Tests on laboratory animals resulted in thyroid cancer and altered thyroid hormones, liver and kidney toxicity, reduced fertility and convulsions.
Imidacloprid – When this drug was introduced and tested in 1994, researchers found an increase in the frequency of birth defects when it was tested on rats, mice and dogs. In the Journal of Pesticide Reform, author Caroline Cox exposes thyroid lesions as a result of exposure to imidacloprid.Advantage contains the active ingredient Imidacloprid. In laboratory studies Imidacoprid has been found to increase cholesterol levels in dogs, cause thyroid lesions, create liver toxicity, and has the potential for damaging the liver, heart, lungs, spleen, adrenals, brain, and gonads. As a neurotoxin, it can cause incoordination along with labored breathing and muscle weakness.
Pyrethroids–Most people think that the pyrethrins (naturally occurring compounds from the chrysanthemum plant) and pyrethroids (the synthetic counterpart) are less hazardous than other tick and flea preventive ingredients.
Data from pyrethroid-based insecticides was recently made public through the Freedom of Information Act and analyzed by CPI. According to CPI, from 2002 through 2007, at least 1,600 pet deaths related to spot-on treatments containing pyrethroids were reported to the EPA. That was nearly double the reported fatalities linked to flea treatments without pyrethroids. The pyrethroid spot-ons also accounted for more than half of the “major” pesticide pet reactions including brain damage, heart attacks and seizures. Non-pyrethroid spot-on treatments accounted for about 6 % of all major incidents.
Bio Spot Flea and Tick Control, Defend EXspot Treatment and Zodiac FleaTrol Spot On all contain either or both of the active ingredients Permethrin and/or Pyriproxyfen (Pyrethroid based ingredients).
Permethrin has been implicated as a carcinogenic insecticide causing lung cancer and liver tumors in laboratory animals. There is also a suspicion that it disrupts endocrine function. It can act as a neurotoxin, causing tremors as well as increased aggressive behavior and learning problems.
”Healthy animals are less attractive, for reasons that science has yet to determine, to fleas and other external and internal pests and parasites, whose whole existence is one of opportunistic survival and multiplication” says Dr Michael Fox DVM. “Dogs and cats on the kind of ‘junk’ foods that are still widely sold are far more prone to fleas and other parasitic and infectious health problems than those who are on a wholesome, whole-food diet, ideally organically certified and of course nutritionally complete.”
The best alternative solution to parasites is PREVENTION. Healthy animals are not appealing to parasites; healthy beings do not make good hosts. Once you have exposed your pet to toxic chemicals, including over vaccinating, drugs and flea and tick products, his liver and immune system are compromised. The toxic effect of the chemical treatments will make him more likely to host parasites when the effects of the chemicals begin to wear off. This spirals into a cycle of repeated applications and declining health. To break this cycle stop using all chemical flea, tick, heartworm, worm/parasite prevention treatments, and over vaccinating. In addition, take steps to help boost the immune system.
Boost The Immune System Naturally
Cleansing and detoxing the body is similar to properly maintaining your automobile. If you regularly change the oil, radiator fluid, transmission fluid, your car will last much longer. If you leave the same old fluid sludge in your vehicle, it doesn’t run as well or as long. Cleansing and detoxing the body is an excellent preventative health maintenance program to keep us and our pets living longer, healthier lives. Cleanse and detox your puppy/dog’s body regularly.
Our protocol is 2-3x/day for 30 days both spring and fall (less stressful months of the year) for all canines and felines. The Internal Gold Detox Kit contains both organic Kidney Rejuvenator and organic Life Cell Support that help cleanse and purify the blood, kidneys, liver, and lymphatic system. Organic Essiac Tea is excellent and can be given 2-3x/day in lieu of the Life Cell Support as they are both similar products that cleanse and purify the blood, liver, and lymphatic system.
Bentonite Clay is excellent to help detox the body and especially good for poisoning issues, such as salmonella and campy (Campylobacteriosis). It is also excellent to normalize diarrhea or constipation issues. Many people and pets consume it daily.
Organic food grade diatomaceous earth is a good mild detox and something we choose to consume and feed daily to all animals. In addition to the detox benefits, internal feeding of food grade diatomaceous earth helps eliminate most internal worms, including roundworms, pin worms, tapeworms, etc.
Give Imutek Colostrum daily, as it is excellent to help strengthen the immune system, provides antibodies, helps build muscle mass (we have a lot of pro athletes that take it daily and pro football wives are ordering overnight delivery because their husband ran out), etc. and all puppies and dogs LOVE it!
Feed Species Appropriate Nutrition aka raw meat and bones for optimum health. Good nutrition is essential to a healthy immune system. And, plenty of fresh, filtered water.
All of the above Scanmask Sprays and the Beneficial Nematodes can be sprayed into your lawn, garden, and moist soil areas. Beneficial nematodes parasitize soil dwelling larvae, such as fleas, flies, grubs, etc. whereas all other flea/tick/fly control methods only control adult insects, they do not affect larvae/eggs. Beneficial nematodes are essential for complete elimination of many pesky insects as they stop the hatching egg cycle.
For information on how to safely prevent fleas and ticks, please visit our No Flea library page.
Dangers Of Traditional Flea & Tick Preventative Links
These statements have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The information on this web site is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician or veterinarian. This information is not intended as a substitute for the reader’s independent judgment and personal responsibility. Health issues are far too important to delegate to anyone else. It is highly recommended you research and seek information and counsel from as wide a variety of sources as possible, so you can make well informed educated decisions about you, your child’s, or your pet’s health, as in the end YOU make the decisions.