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Natural Holistic Breeding

There are many excellent natural ways to keep breeding animals and offspring healthy and disease free. This page will tell you many of the things that can be done to keep them healthy, prevent disease, and treat it naturally.

They say it takes 5 generations of raw fed, unchemically or traditionally treated animals to get a completely healthy animal that will never succumb to disease. Whether you breed dogs, cats, horses, ferrets, goats, sheep, cows, pigs, or any other animal species, the natural rearing rules are generally the same.

Starting with the breeding parents, the goal is to provide optimum nutrition and supplements to promote optimally healthy disease free offspring. Let’s start at the top:

Breeding Parents

Cleanse and detox your breeding canines bodies regularly for optimum health, preventative health maintenance, and stronger healthier litters. Even if you feed a certified organic diet, dogs are still exposed to toxins in our environment – formaldehyde in carpet, motor oil on streets/parking lots, pesticides in park and neighbor lawns, air pollution, water pollution, etc. Our canine companions also bring with them their parents health history and genetic health issues, so cleansing and detoxing helps to rid the body of the less desirable family health history making them less likely to have health issues similar to their parents, grandparents, etc. Our protocol is 2-3x/day for 30 days both spring and fall (less stressful months of the year) for all canines and felines. It is best to complete a 30 day cleanse at least one month prior to intended breeding. DO NOT cleanse the mother while pregnant or nursing as this can release undesired toxins into the puppies.

The Internal Gold Detox Kit contains both organic Kidney Rejuvenator and organic Life Cell Support that help cleanse and purify the blood, kidneys, liver, and lymphatic system. Organic Essiac Tea is excellent and can be given 2-3x/day in lieu of the Life Cell Support as they are both similar Internal Gold Detox Kit whole body system detoxproducts that cleanse and purify the blood, liver, and lymphatic system. Bentonite Clay is excellent to help detox the body and especially good for poisoning issues, such as salmonella and campy (Campylobacteriosis). It is also excellent to normalize diarrhea or constipation issues. Many people and pets consume it daily. Organic food grade diatomaceous earth is a good mild detox and something we choose to consume and feed daily to all animals. Cleansing and detoxing the body is similar to properly maintaining your automobile. If you regularly change the oil, radiator fluid, transmission fluid, your car will stay healthier, require fewer maintenance issues, and last much longer. If you leave the same old fluid sludge in your vehicle, it doesn’t run as well or as long and incurs more repair issues. Cleansing and detoxing the body is an excellent preventative health maintenance program to keep us and our pets living longer, healthier lives and promotes healthier off-spring.

More suggestions for keeping healthy breeding parents:

  • Diet is number one. The species appropriate nutrition that your breeding parents consume each and every day will promote health for the parents and their offspring. We feed species appropriate nutrition to our canines and felines. Our canines and felines consume over 800 pounds of bones and raw food each month. Lots of canine and feline nutrition information is here: Natural Dog & Cat Nutrition.
  • Food grade diatomaceous earth completely eliminates the need to give those horrible chemical (aka poison) wormers. Feed it to the parents daily. If they have no internal worms or parasites, 70% of their chance of getting disease goes right out the window. Plus it contains over 15 minerals that are great for the skin and coat and help promote healthier offspring and better birth weights.
  • Kelp Meal contains over 60 vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that is easy assimilated by the body. This helps detox, promote healthy skin and coat, and again promotes healthier offspring, better birth weights and greater health.
  • Please do NOT put chemical flea or tick preventatives on your dogs and cats. These so-called “flea and tick preventatives” are actual POISONS. Most people put poisons on weeds to kill them, so purposely putting a poison on our beloved animals is an absolutely insane notion. Optimal health cannot be achieved by poisoning our pets. If fleas are a problem, start using Flea Free Food Supplement.  Great for all biting pests including mites!
  • Do NOT put poison heartworm preventatives in or on your dogs. Like the flea preventatives, these things are actual poisons that permeate the body for 30 to 60 days. These traditional preventatives do NOT “prevent” the mosquito from landing on your dog by making them smell nasty to mosquitoes, they just poison the blood, kidneys, liver, skin, and entire body, so when a mosquito bites them, it attempts to poison any infection the mosquito has left in the dog’s blood stream. Ever notice, the animals in the wild are not extinct from heartworm, West Nile virus, or other diseases? Heck, they aren’t on monthly Heart Guard prevention. How is it possible all the canine species: wolves, dingoes, foxes, coyotes, etc. are still alive and thriving? Think about it…Here is some information about Heartworm Medicine Linked to Sickness, Death.
  • Plenty of clean pure fresh water daily.
  • Plenty of good healthy exercise and sunshine. Mom’s should be running and playing up until the day they give birth. For their health and the health of their babies.
  • Colostrum is excellent for canines, felines, equine, etc. Great for the immune system, digestion, and excellent overall health.
  • We do not recommend vaccinating breeding parents within 2 to 3 months of breeding. When vaccinating puppies, we recommend Dr. Jean Dodd’s (Veterinary Immunologist Specialist) vaccination protocol of a single parvo and distemper vaccine at 9 weeks, 12 weeks, and once at a year of age. Rabies as allowable by law. No other vaccinations. Click here for Dr. Dodd’s Canine Vaccination Protocol & here for Feline Vaccination Protocol.

During Pregnancy

Aside from doing all the things above for breeding parents make sure to pamper mom and make sure she gets plenty of exercise. Animals that are confined to kennels, crates, small stables or other confined areas can have difficult births, some requiring C-Sections. One of the biggest reasons plenty of exercise is really important to pregnant females. They need room to stretch, walk and run daily. In the wild, canines, felines, horses, and all other animals are active – hunting down their species appropriate nutrition or browsing the meadows and pastures finding good things to nibble on. Birthing for them is but a simple hiccup in their daily routine largely because they are eating well AND because they get the regular exercise needed which helps make birthing quicker and easier. Do not vaccinate pregnant or nursing animals.


  1. As soon as the puppy, kitten, foal, etc. start eating on their own, put food grade diatomaceous earth in their daily food. This will keep worms from eating them, their food, and/or sucking their blood and help prevent coccidia, plus sweep some bacteria and viruses out of the system, as well as provide 15 vital minerals to keep young ones healthy and strong. DE can be mixed in Colostrum and puppies and kittens will lick it right up or added to their raw chicken liver, heart, gizzards, etc.
  2. Consider Dr. Jean Dodd’s puppy vaccine protocol, starting with a single parvo/distemper vaccine at 9 weeks of age, then again at 12 weeks, then once at a year of age. No other vaccines except rabies as allowable by law. For kittens, she recommends TWO Trivalent (distemper, herpes, & calicivirus) KILLED (NOT modified live) vaccinations, one at 8 weeks of age and another at 12 weeks of age. Give Amber NaturalZ Life Cell Support for 1 to 2 weeks prior to getting vaccinations and for 30 days afterwards, twice/daily to help alleviate the stress on the body and help sweep toxins out of the blood, liver, and lymphatic system.
  3. Keep your cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies free from fleas and mite naturally with Flea Free Food Supplement, as soon as they are drinking and/or eating on their own.
  4. Species appropriate raw food promotes optimum puppy and kitten health.

Shows, Traveling & Boarding

  1. Paxaid is excellent to help reduce travel stress, calm, soothe the intestinal tract, help prevent vomiting, diarrhea, poor appetite, and boost the immune system. 2 to 4x/day is fine for this purpose.
  2. Derma Nerv can be helpful to overactive animals to help calm and soothe the nerves.
  3. Tossa-K (formerly Kennel-Koff) can be given a day or two before the outing, along with the day(s) of the outing, and a few days afterwards. Tossa K assists in keeping your dog healthy while they are at kennels, boarding schools, dog shows, parks and other public areas
  4. Flea Free Food Supplement to help assure they won’t bring home any blood sucking parasites, such as fleas, lice, mites, etc.

These statements have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

The information on this web site is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician or veterinarian. This information is not intended as a substitute for the reader’s independent judgment and personal responsibility. Health issues are far too important to delegate to anyone else. It is highly recommended you research and seek information and counsel from as wide a variety of sources as possible, so you can make well informed educated decisions about you, your child’s, or your pet’s health, as in the end YOU make the decisions.