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Morgellons Disease

IF you have fiber like material coming out of your skin, sores, intense itching, your hair is falling out, etc., you may have Morgellon’s Disease. The Morgellon’s Disease Organization has some info. In doing a Google search for “Morgellon’s Disease” a bunch of websites come up offering “cures”. Some costing $200 others costing $1500. I do not know if any of these solutions work, as I get the calls from Morgellon’s people who have not been helped with traditional medicine and they are continuing to search for a way to heal themselves and their families.

Many people affected by Morgellon’s disease have been told by their physicians that they need to see a psychiatrist, as their problem is all in their head. Please note, these physicians have been known to stand 3 feet away from the affected patient, even when requesting the doctor look at the parasites that can be seen moving beneath the patient’s skin. WHY are these physicians afraid to touch or come close to these people? Morgellon’s IS a REAL disease, it is NOT imagined. If you are haunted by Morgellon’s disease, please visit the website above.

We presently have a number Morgellon’s disease affected customers. They purchase 50# bags of food grade diatomaceous earth to consume orally and to paint their bodies with, as recommended by their doctors. By itself, the DE will not cure Morgellon’s, though it does help with the parasite infestation.

Please note, most of our Morgellon’s affected people advise their symptoms are worse around the full moon. This is indicative of a parasite/worm infestation, as worms are more active in the tissues of the body during the full moon. It is my belief that daily consumption of diatomaceous earth helps considerably. Start with small amounts of food grade diatomaceous earth to help prevent detox/herxheimer effects and build up to at least 2 heaping tablespoons daily.

Heat also makes these parasites more active and they can be seen crawling beneath the skin on affected people, as well as exit the body through the skin.

Due to the overload of these parasites in the body, they can create infection – viral, bacterial, fungal, likely due to the fact they emit toxins into the system and excrete waste into the body. A good, preferably natural antibiotic will help with these infections. Consider colloidal silver (make it yourself to save on money).

The excessive stress this disease causes, sufficient intake of quality vitamins and minerals will help prevent hair loss. Supplements such as organic kelp, spirulina, etc. would help restore the mineral loss consumed by these worms/parasites. Of course, a really good natural diet will help as well, preferably one that contains at least 50% raw vegetables and fruits.

Further note, likely Morgellon’s is NOT just a worm/parasite infestation. Fibers come out of the skin in the face, neck, and everywhere else on the body on a DAILY basis. These fibers can be blue, red, black, and white, some like hair strands or wire, others fuzzy. Some advise this comes from cotton, others say Chem Trails.

One Morgellon’s/Lyme disease survivor started a discussion list where people can share their knowledge, experience, and gain help. For more information, please go to Healing Hope.

The information on this web site is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician or veterinarian. This information is not intended as a substitute for the reader’s independent judgment and personal responsibility. Health issues are far too important to delegate to anyone else. It is highly recommended you research and seek information and counsel from as wide a variety of sources as possible, so you can make well informed educated decisions about you, your child’s, or your pet’s health, as in the end YOU make the decisions.