Mite Information
Diatomaceous earth is excellent to help eliminate mite infestations on humans. This web page has been created, 12/12/06, because we have had many many calls from people who are infested with mites that are eating at them. Some people have suffered from these mite infestations for over 10 years without effective treatments from physicians and chemical treatments. If you are one of these people that has suffered from mite, other bug/parasite infestations please read the following and gain back your sanity and healthful life.
First, in an effort to save time and repetition realize there is a bunch of essential food grade diatomaceous earth information on our other diatomaceous earth webpages.
This web page will NOT duplicate the information found in the web pages above, so please read the information on those webpages for more information about the health benefits and many uses of diatomaceous earth.
Diatomaceous earth is a natural powder that works in a purely physical/mechanical manner, not chemical and thus has no chemical toxicity. Best yet, parasites don’t build up a tolerance/immunity to its chemical reaction, so rotation of wormers is unnecessary AND food grade DE has NO odor.
If you are dealing with a mite or bug infestation in your home, it is essential to treat the affected people, pets, and household all at the same time.
Wash ALL clothing, bedding, and linens in hot water, preferably leaving these items in the hot water for 30 minutes.