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Mite Information

Diatomaceous earth is excellent to help eliminate mite infestations on humans. This web page has been created, 12/12/06, because we have had many many calls from people who are infested with mites that are eating at them. Some people have suffered from these mite infestations for over 10 years without effective treatments from physicians and chemical treatments. If you are one of these people that has suffered from mite, other bug/parasite infestations  please read the following and gain back your sanity and healthful life.

First, in an effort to save time and repetition realize there is a bunch of essential food grade diatomaceous earth information on our other diatomaceous earth webpages.

This web page will NOT duplicate the information found in the web pages above, so please read the information on those webpages for more information about the health benefits and many uses of diatomaceous earth.

Diatomaceous earth is a natural powder that works in a purely physical/mechanical manner, not chemical and thus has no chemical toxicity. Best yet, parasites don’t build up a tolerance/immunity to its chemical reaction, so rotation of wormers is unnecessary AND food grade DE has NO odor.

If you are dealing with a mite or bug infestation in your home, it is essential to treat the affected people, pets, and household all at the same time.

Wash ALL clothing, bedding, and linens in hot water, preferably leaving these items in the hot water for 30 minutes.

What are mites?

Information about: mites, lice, scabies, bed mite, harvest mite, tropical rat mite, grain mite, mold mite, house mite, itch mites, bird mites, chiggers, clove mites, straw itch mites, dust mites, and other household pests can be found at these websites:

Department of Entomology N.C. Cooperative Extension:

Why do I have mites?

Many people advise that they are the only ones in their household affected by a mite infestation. Their spouse and/or children are not affected or bothered by the mites, yet the mites are literally eating them alive. Some people advise they get a little relief from the itching and biting when they go to a friend’s home, though the mites don’t disappear while they are visiting their friend and the mites are NOT bothering the friend(s). WHY don’t the mites bother everyone in the household?

Mites are on all of us: people, pets, plants, etc. We don’t usually see them and most of us are not affected by them as we have reasonably strong, healthy immune systems. When our immune system is low, this gives way for the mites to take over and attempt to ruin our lives and make us miserable. Just as fleas prey on less healthy animals and mountain lions prey on the weaker, young or less healthy animals, and mites or borers prey on the trees and plants that are not as strong as they should be; mites prey on those of us who are not strong enough to fight them off.

For this reason, it is always important to boost the immune system of the being when dealing with any dis-ease – cancers, diabetes, parasite infestations, etc. There are many ways to help boost the immune system such as:

Consume species appropriate nutrition. For people, this means forget the junk food and eat real food, plenty of fruits and veggies daily. Consider natural mineral supplementation in the form of chlorella, spirulina, kelp, etc. Get plenty of good daily exercise.

Eliminate internal worms and parasites by taking food grade diatomaceous earth every day. This will help your body maximize the absorption from the nutrition you are eating, if worms are not sucking your blood and robbing you of the nutrients in your daily food.

Imutek Colostrum is one of the best natural products that can help strengthen the immune system.

Terminator Zapper’s have benefited many of our mite infested customers, along with using food grade diatomaceous earth.

Things you can do

Things you can try to make you taste yucky to mites or other parasites:

  • Consume 1 tsp. of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, 3x/day.
  • Consume raw garlic daily.
  • 100% Pure MSM is an organic sulfur dietary supplement and may be useful for itching and inflammation and repelling parasites. MSM will also help quell itching and pain.

Other natural ways to kill mites:

Rub Mange Parasite Oil t into a small area of your skin that is bothered by mites. Test it in a small area to make sure you do not have an allergic reaction. If you are fine and you notice relief in that area, than apply a larger amount to a larger area of skin. This will smother the mites.

Use 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with a few drops of anti-parasitic essential oils, such as Tea Tree, Lavendar and Clove. This can also be used to rinse your hair after washing, though do not completely rinse your hair clean with water or the anti-parasite effects will be lost.

Mayonnaise by itself or mixed with a few drops of the above essential oils is good for mites or lice in the hair. Leave it on for a good half hour, then rinse well.

How long will it take to get rid of mites?

Every situation is a bit different, so giving a definitive time frame can be difficult. IF you start treating everything, your home, environment, yard, clothing, etc. ALL at the same time and continue for 3 to 4 weeks and are diligent, your mite infestation should be completely eliminated within 3 to 4 weeks.

IF, however, you do not treat everything at the same time, the task of eliminating them will become a constant nightmare and chore, as eggs will continue to hatch and infest you, your home, yard, automobile, etc.

For some, it is relatively simple to just consume DE and dust or paint themselves with it, and immediately they notice they aren’t itching as much. We do not recommend letting up with your mite elimination program, until you have completed 3 to 4 weeks of treatment, simply because you don’t want them to return in greater numbers and drive you to insanity (which you are likely feeling already). Additionally, this is why it is VERY beneficial to work at boosting your immune system as well, so that the normal, everyday mites that inhabit all of our homes and yards are not troublesome to you anymore.

The information on this web site is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician or veterinarian. This information is not intended as a substitute for the reader’s independent judgment and personal responsibility. Health issues are far too important to delegate to anyone else. It is highly recommended you research and seek information and counsel from as wide a variety of sources as possible, so you can make well informed educated decisions about you, your child’s, or your pet’s health, as in the end YOU make the decisions.