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Pet Food Recall Protocol

If your dog or cat has been affected by the recent Pet Food Recall, please read the following. We are attempting to provide information to help these affected dogs and cats, in an effort to help them get healthy and well again.

Treatment Information


To remove poisons from people or pets Bentonite Clay OR activated charcoal:

Animal Weight

Bentonite Clay

Activated Charcoal

Up to 10lbs

.5 tsp

.5 capsule

11 - 20lbs

1 tsp

1 capsule

21 - 30lbs

1.5 tsp

1.5 capsules

31 - 40lbs

2 tsp

2 capsules

41 - 50lbs

2.5 tsp

2.5 capsules

51 - 80lbs

1 tbsp

3 capsules

81 - 100lbs

1.5 tbsp

3.5 capsules

101 - 120lbs

2 tbsp

4 capsules

121 - 150lbs

2.5 tbsp

4.5 capsules

151 - 200lbs

3 tbsp

5 capsules

Dose either the Bentonite Clay or the Charcoal Capsules (empty capsule and mix with water to make a wet slurry and syringe down the throat) every 2 hours for a total of 8 hours. Then give once/day, until your pet exhibits normal behavior again. When dosing Bentonite or Charcoal dose away from food or natural remedies, as these natural anti-poisoning products will sweep poisons and toxins out of the body, but they will also remove the good things. Bentonite clay or charcoal can be given via enema as well.

Dr. Pitcairn’s book, “Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats”, page 436, advises for poisoning:

  1. Give granular activated charcoal. Mix 5 heaping teaspoons of granules in 1 cup of water. Depending on the animal’s size, give about 1/4 to 1 cup by spoonful’s in the cheek pouch. If this causes excess struggle or worsens symptoms, discontinue. Your veterinarian will be able to apply treatment under sedation or anesthesia.
  2. Give Nux Vomica 30C, a few pellets on the tongue every 15 minutes for a total of 3 doses. Do not continue treatment if the symptoms worsen.
  3. Keep the animal warm and as quiet as possible. Stress has a very negative influence.
  4. Call the National Animal Poison Control Center if you know where the poison came from. Call 800-548-2423 ($30 credit card charge per case) for specific advise on treatment or antidotes.


Poisoning can effect the kidneys, in addition to the Bentonite or charcoal, use of the Internal Gold Detox kit can be beneficial.

Use the following in addition to Bentonite clay or charcoal:

Use Amber Tech’s Internal Gold Detox Kit. The Internal Gold Detox Kit contains: Kidney Rejuvenator and Life Cell Support, administer them as follows:

  1. Administer the Kidney Rejuvenator once/day for 5 days, then twice/day 30 for days.
  2. Take a 5 day break, then give 2 to 3x/day for 30 days.
  3. Administer the Life Cell Support 4 to 5 times/day for 30 days, then off for 5 days, and on again for 30 days as needed.

You can also use the Urinary Tract Relief, this will help cleanse the urinary tract, in conjunction with the Kidney Rejuvenator.

Canine Diet for the Kidneys

Excerpted from Dr Pitcairn’s book, “Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide for Natural Health for Dogs & Cats

  • 1 1/3 cups (2/3 pound) ground chicken, turkey or lean heart*
  • 4 cups cooked white rice, enriched or quinoa*
  • 4 eggs*
  • 2 tablespoons cold-pressed safflower, olive oil, grapeseed oil, hemp oil, or coconut oil*
  • 1,500 milligrams calcium
  • 1/8 teaspoons iodized salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon potassium chloride (optional, for a saltier flavor)
  • 1 teaspoon parsley
  • 1/4 cup carrots
  • 1/4 cup beans
  • 5000 IU vitamin A (1 ounce of organic raw chicken liver contains approx. 4,076 IU Vitamin A)
  • 50-milligram-level B complex (or 10 milligrams per day)
  • 2,500 milligrams vitamin C (1/2 teaspoon sodium ascorbate)

*Preferably organic or certified organic

Mix everything together in a large bowl. Otherwise, mix all but the vitamins together, boil about 20 minutes, wait until it cools to mix in the vitamins. Your dog may have a poor appetite, so to some extent you will need to cater to him to keep him alive. Occasionally, substitute 1 to 3 teaspoons of liver for part of the meat. Be sure to provide plenty of fresh, pure water (filtered or bottled) at all times. Also encourage drinking by providing meat broth (warm) once or twice a day.

Feline Diet for the Kidneys

Excerpted from, Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide for Natural Health for Dogs & Cats

  • 1 1/3 cups (2/3 pound) ground chicken, turkey or lean heart*
  • 4 cups cooked white rice, enriched or quinoa*
  • 4 eggs*
  • 2 tablespoons cold-pressed safflower, olive oil, grapeseed oil, hemp oil, or coconut oil*
  • 1,500 milligrams calcium
  • 1/8 teaspoons iodized salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon potassium chloride (optional, for a saltier flavor)
  • 1 teaspoon parsley, finely grated carrot or other vegetable (optional)
  • 5000 IU vitamin A (1 ounce of organic raw chicken liver contains approx. 4,076 IU Vitamin A)
  • Taurine and other cat vitamins (about 5 days worth)
  • 50-milligram-level B complex (or 10 milligrams per day)
  • 2,500 milligrams vitamin C (1/2 teaspoon sodium ascorbate)

*Preferably organic or certified organic

Mix everything together in a large bowl. Serve raw if the cat will accept it. Otherwise, mix all but the vitamins together, bake about 20 minutes in a moderate oven and then wait until it cools to mix in the vitamins. Your cat may have a poor appetite, so to some extent you will need to cater to him to keep him alive. Occasionally, substitute 1 to 3 teaspoons of liver for part of the meat. Be sure to provide plenty of fresh, pure water (filtered or bottled) at all times. Also encourage drinking by providing meat or fish broth (warm) once or twice a day.


Poisoning can destroy the liver. Fortunately, the liver is one of the few organs that CAN be regenerated 100%.

You can do the following to help cleanse and detox the liver, in addition to the Internal Gold Detox Kit to help cleanse, detox, and regenerate the liver. Do this especially if your pet is having white colored bowel movements or if you see a yellow/jaundiced look in the eyes which should be white.

Milk Thistle ~ This works great in enemas, along with the fresh lemon juice above. If your pet is keeping down oral fluids, give orally, otherwise give this via enema.

Turmeric ~ Excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-carcinogenic, cardio and gastrointestinal effects and great for the liver. You can find this herb at a health food store. Note, Turmeric will stain things it touches yellow/orange.

Lemon Juice (Fresh) ~ Fresh squeezed lemon juice alkalizes the body, helps cleanse the liver, and is high in vitamin C.

Animal Weight

Milk Thistle

Lemon Juice


Up to 3lbs

4 drops

4 drops

250 mg

4 - 10lbs

10 drops

10 drops

250 mg

11 - 20lbs

15 drops

15 drops

250 mg

21 - 30lbs

20 drops

20 drops

500 mg

31 - 40lbs

25 drops

25 drops

750 mg

41 - 50lbs

30 drops

30 drops

750 mg

51 - 80lbs

35 drops

35 drops

1000 mg

81 - 120lbs

40 drops

40 drops

1250 mg

121 - 150lbs

40 drops

40 drops

1500 mg

151 - 200lbs

45 drops

45 drops

1750 mg


MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) ~ is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory that will help reduce inflammation and pain quickly. You can purchase 1# of “Pure” 100% MSM powder or crystals at a feed store for about $15.00. You can also find it at a health food store, Walmart, pharmacies, etc.

When dosing pets with severe inflammation/pain, you double the initial dose for the first two weeks (though, hopefully, you will not need to give for 2 weeks). Doubled dose rates are given below. If necessary to treat your pet longer than 2 weeks, then back off on the dose below to one half that amount after 2 weeks. Expect your pet to appear more relaxed and comfortable within an hour or two of dosing.

Turmeric ~ Excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-carcinogenic, cardio and gastrointestinal effects and great for the liver. You can find this herb at a health food store, Walmart and some pharmacies.

Vitamin C ~ Preferably a buffered form, such as Ester C, calcium ascorbate, sodium ascorbate, etc. Vitamin C has excellent anti-oxidant properties, mild anti-inflammatory properties, detox, and immune system support.

Dose the MSM and Turmeric, if you can obtain both, 1/3rd the daily dose, 3x/day to equal the daily recommended dose. You can give an initial dose of one-half the MSM daily dose, then split the other half of the daily dose into 1/4 for the remaining two doses for the first day. These products are similar to the qualities of aspirin without aspirin side effects (one which can be death in small children) which is why it is necessary to dose 3x/day.

These products can be given orally, if they are keeping oral fluids down, or given via enema which can actually have better effects than oral doses. Vitamin C (use preferably a buffered form such as sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate or Ester C) as it is easier on the stomach. Vitamin C is eliminated from the body within 2 to 4 hours of ingestion, so it is best to dose small amounts, numerous times/day to reach the daily recommended amount.

Animal Weight


Vitamin C


Up to 20lbs

1000 mg

1000 mg

250 mg

21 - 30lbs

1500 mg

2500 mg

500 mg

31 - 60lbs

2000 mg

3500 mg

750 mg

61 - 90lbs

3000 mg

5000 mg

1000 mg

91 - 120lbs

4000 mg

7000 mg

1250 mg

121lbs & Up

6000 mg

8500 mg

1500 mg

Pure aloe juice ~ can either be alternated with regular Pedialyte (or other electrolyte fluid doses) or you can use half aloe and half Pedialyte for each enema dose, mixed with the above ingredients. Aloe has lots of excellent properties, anti-inflammatory, soothing, healing, and laxative are the reasons we are using it for these severely inflamed pets.

Use the liver detox remedies (milk thistle & lemon juice) as well in each enema given. Mix well. Expect the turmeric to stain the pet’s fur and or your fingers a nice yellow/orange color.

Additional Information

Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT put ANY toxic substances in or on your pet. This means, do NOT:

  1. Over vaccinate your pet(s)
  2. Give flea, tick, or heartworm preventatives
  3. Chemically worm your pet with Pyrantel, Panacur, Ivomec, Nemex, safeguard, etc.
  4. Feed commercial kibbles or canned foods, if at all possible. This recall is NOT over yet and there are possibly other foods that are affected. Thousands of pets have died, some from just a few meals of these bad kibbles and sadly, some people have lost every single dog, cat, or both family pet members in their household because of these toxic foods! :o( Seriously consider either feeding a raw or cooked human grade meat diet or a holistic “human grade” kibble. Just because a bag of kibble says “holistic” doesn’t necessarily mean that is what it is. Lots of species appropriate canine and feline animal nutrition info is here; Animal Nutrition Information

These toxic substances are poisons and will further toxify your pet’s body. PLEASE, do NOT allow these things to be given to your pet as it will only serve to further lower their immune system AND toxify the kidneys and liver further.

Other Helpful Remedies

  • Feed food grade diatomaceous earth ~ this helps detox heavy metals, sweep some bacteria out of the system, naturally eliminate internal parasites, cleanse the bowels, and provide 15 minerals.
  • Feed green food, such as kelp, or spirulina, or chlorella or similar. These natural green products contain over 60 vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to help detox, provide essential mineral support, etc.
  • Feed raw liver at least 3 days/week. If you are having to force feed your pet, you can puree the liver in a blender. A 30# dog can easily tolerate 2 tbsps. of liver daily. Organic liver is best, if you can find it at your local health food store. This will help provide nutritional support for your pet’s kidneys, liver, prevent anemia (great natural source of iron), and provide lots of excellent vitamin A to nourish the immune system.
    Some of these affected pets are exhibiting signs of anemia. Feeding raw liver, preferably organic liver a few days/week can help prevent anemia, as well as nourish the liver (which will have some toxicity, due to the renal failure and the kidneys not functioning properly), plus provide tons of vitamin A which is good for the kidneys and excellent for the immune system.
  • Give plenty of clean fresh water. Do NOT give tap water use only filtered or bottled to avoid chlorinated or chemicalized water which will further stress the kidneys.
  • Avoid: processed, overcooked, spoiled, or commercial foods; excessive heat; unnecessary exposure to chemical products, car fumes, cigarette smoke, and polluted environments.
  • Brush skin and coat regularly. A weekly bath with a mild, non drying shampoo is useful as the skin is the largest eliminatory organ and it will help detox the body.
  • Regular mild outdoor exercise and exposure to fresh air and sun, provided the animal is capable.
  • Acupuncture can be very helpful for animals with kidney disease. Regular acupuncture can help slow the progression of the disease, stimulate the kidneys and boost the overall vitality of a dog or cat.
  • Include vitamin B12 injections with acupuncture.
  • Contrary to popular myth, diets rich in protein (“high protein levels”) do not cause kidney damage. Research done decades ago indicated that rodent kidneys were adversely affected by diets high in protein…and misguided researchers extrapolated that data to apply to the canine. There is no evidence that feeding dogs and cats diets rich in or “high” in protein actually causes kidney damage or disease. Some day this myth will be finally be put to rest. In fact, there is ample research and well documented studies that prove that dogs and cats thrive on diets with levels of protein consistent with a meat-eater’s (carnivore) natural prey selection.

All animals need energy and this can be supplied by:

  • Fats – provide the most energy per gram
  • Proteins – especially important for cats
  • Carbohydrates

Vitamins, minerals and water do not supply any energy. The following nutrients are essential:

  • Water – the most important nutrient
  • Essential fatty acids – in fats/oils
  • Minerals
  • Vitamins
  • Although carbohydrates, and fiber are beneficial to cats and dogs, they are not essential.

Additional links:
VIN (Veterinary Information Network) Aminopterin Toxicity

You can file a pet food complaint on the FDA’s website.

Current Pet Food Recalls

Click here for Dog Food Recalls.

Dog Food Advisor maintains a current list of Pet Food Recalls, this list can be sorted by date or brand name, and, by clicking on the recall, supplies information on the nature of the recall and what the manufacturer is doing regarding the recall.

This site is dedicated to all animals and their guardians. Whether you are here to find information and links to research holistic methods or just browsing, please feel free to linger as long as you wish.

The information on this web site is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician or veterinarian. This information is not intended as a substitute for the reader’s independent judgment and personal responsibility. Health issues are far too important to delegate to anyone else. It is highly recommended you research and seek information and counsel from as wide a variety of sources as possible, so you can make well informed educated decisions about you, your child’s, or your pet’s health, as in the end YOU make the decisions.