MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) ~ is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory that will help reduce inflammation and pain quickly. You can purchase 1# of “Pure” 100% MSM powder or crystals at a feed store for about $15.00. You can also find it at a health food store, Walmart, pharmacies, etc.
When dosing pets with severe inflammation/pain, you double the initial dose for the first two weeks (though, hopefully, you will not need to give for 2 weeks). Doubled dose rates are given below. If necessary to treat your pet longer than 2 weeks, then back off on the dose below to one half that amount after 2 weeks. Expect your pet to appear more relaxed and comfortable within an hour or two of dosing.
Turmeric ~ Excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-carcinogenic, cardio and gastrointestinal effects and great for the liver. You can
find this herb at a health food store, Walmart and some pharmacies.
Vitamin C ~ Preferably a buffered form, such as Ester C, calcium ascorbate, sodium ascorbate, etc. Vitamin C has excellent anti-oxidant properties, mild anti-inflammatory properties, detox, and immune system support.
Dose the MSM and Turmeric, if you can obtain both, 1/3rd the daily dose, 3x/day to equal the daily recommended dose. You can give an initial dose of one-half the MSM daily dose, then split the other half of the daily dose into 1/4 for the remaining two doses for the first day. These products are similar to the qualities of aspirin without aspirin side effects (one which can be death in small children) which is why it is necessary to dose 3x/day.
These products can be given orally, if they are keeping oral fluids down, or given via enema which can actually have better effects than oral doses. Vitamin C (use preferably a buffered form such as sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate or Ester C) as it is easier on the stomach. Vitamin C is eliminated from the body within 2 to 4 hours of ingestion, so it is best to dose small amounts, numerous times/day to reach the daily recommended amount.
Pure aloe juice ~ can either be alternated with regular Pedialyte (or other electrolyte fluid doses) or you can use half aloe and half Pedialyte for each enema dose, mixed with the above ingredients. Aloe has lots of excellent properties, anti-inflammatory, soothing, healing, and laxative are the reasons we are using it for these severely inflamed pets.
Use the liver detox remedies (milk thistle & lemon juice) as well in each enema given. Mix well. Expect the turmeric to stain the pet’s fur and or your fingers a nice yellow/orange color.