

29 reviews|6 answered questions


Paxaid is a herbal blend designed to support the digestive tract from occasional stressors.  Can be helpful with:

  • Calming occasional abdominal upsets
  • Gastrointestinal distress
  • Maintain firm stools
  • Support a healthy digestive tract
  • Promote appetite
  • Promote immune functions
  • Promoting vitality

For added support use together with Amber NaturalZ Vibactra Plus.

The parvo emergency tea recipe can be very useful while you wait for Paxaid to arrive as well as contains quite a bit of helpful information.

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Unlike other herbal companies, Amber NaturalZ tinctures are pressed only one time to ensure the best potency for your pet.  Each product is formulated to the ideal concentration for the benefit of the product, resulting in a premium product for maximum support.

Organic & wildcrafted ingredients are sourced worldwide but manufactured here in the USA!

Plastics can cause harmful toxins & chemicals to leach into herbal extracts so Amber NaturalZ tinctures are safely bottled in sterile amber glass bottles.

All Amber NaturalZ products are subject to a series of quality checks & testing. They are devoted to never using artificial colors or artificial flavorings. Instead, they strive to produce effective products & services you can trust because that’s what you & your pet(s) deserve!

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How bad is parvo? Common Q. asked on February 4, 2025

If your dog exhibits any of these symptoms, it is crucial to contact your veterinarian without delay. Persistent vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration, while damage to the intestines and immune system may result in septic shock. This condition can become life-threatening, with a significant risk of mortality occurring within 48 to 72 hours following the onset of symptoms. There are numerous diseases that have very similar symptoms to parvo so it is important to determine that with diagnostic tools offered at a vet.

brad-@-admin answered on February 4, 2025 store manager
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What antibiotic kills parvo? Common Q. asked on February 4, 2025

Antibiotics are not going to "kill" the virus but will help support the puppies immune system with fighting off the ailment as well as help prevent other secondary infections.

brad-@-admin answered on February 4, 2025 store manager
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What is the best way to fight parvo? Common Q. asked on February 4, 2025

Maintaining the puppies hydration is the single most important thing when fighting this virus. We prefer electrolyte fluids in small doses orally & sometimes via enema if they are not holding down the fluids orally for long. Other methods of course are sub Q fluids & IV but those are often not available for home use. Supplements to help reduce stomach upset are very useful to maintaining proper hydration and some anti-biotic support can be useful in supporting their depleted immune system.

brad-@-admin answered on February 4, 2025 store manager
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What kills parvo virus? Common Q. asked on February 4, 2025

There are a few disinfectants available to kill bacteria & viruses (like parvo) on contact. We carry and use a product by Starbrite called Performacide which can be used on non porous surfaces to disinfect parvo as well as other viruses.

brad-@-admin answered on February 4, 2025 store manager
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What is Paxaid? Common Q. asked on February 4, 2025

Paxaid is a carefully crafted herbal tincture that has had a few name changes (Parvaid & Paxxin) over the years. This wonderful product has helped dogs for over 25 years with all manner of stomach related issues.

brad-@-admin answered on February 4, 2025 store manager
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Based on 29 reviews
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  1. Jennifer

    Well … the last 4 days were days from hell. I don’t think I’ve ever been through anything quite like it. We almost lost our little Miles.

    I noticed last Friday that Miles was not eating too well and he threw up in the morning. By Saturday, he wouldn’t eat anything he usually would. I even made a special trip to the store to get something he would eat. He refused to eat all day and began throwing up during the night Sat. I thought he had food poisoning because he had gotten into the neighbor’s garbage.

    Sunday morning I decided to not go to church so I could watch him. He would hardly drink water – which I offered to him with extra nutrients in it. Unfortunately, I was scheduled to work at Jo-ann’s in the afternoon, so I left him alone. When I got home around 8 PM, I found him sleeping in the bottom of my closet and he looked almost dead. I called the Emergency Vet Clinic and they said to bring him in. I had no idea what was coming.

    It took about 30-45 minutes to see the vet. She was very nice but suspected, from the symptoms, Canine Parvo Virus. She did the test first before telling me what that meant in detail. About 20 minutes later I found out that he could die pretty quickly. He was very dehydrated and the virus was attacking viciously. It is expensive to leave a pet in a place like this, but if I didn’t he would most likely die before morning. I was alone, desperate to know what was best for him… as there was no guarantee from the vet that he would make it at all (about 50% of pups don’t) – I was super concerned because it had been going on 3 days since he first showed symptoms.

    Well, I left him there Sunday night and had to pick him by 7:30 the next morning to take to our regular vet. I got home about midnight and went online to a website that I had already ordered some other holistic products from for my dogs. They had a tremendous amount of info on parvo… plus they explained how to survive it with a natural product called Parvaid. I ordered it right then, requested overnight shipment (it was coming from CA). The next morning they had emailed me with an “emergency tea” recipe to begin immediately until the product arrived. The tea contained electrolytes, echinacea, camomille, peppermint, & garlic. I had to administer 1 T. every hour until the medicine came.

    So, I picked Miles up from the Emerg. Vet at 7 am, my vet didn’t open until 9, and started the tea at 8:40 am. I went to my vet’s later and he gave me Amoxicillan to prevent secondary infections and told me to keep him hydrated with the tea. As long as he kept it down, Miles would not need to be on an IV for hydration. I tried to show my vet the info on the Parvaid (Paxaid) that was ordered, but he really didn’t listen. So for over 24 hours I nursed Miles with syringes filled with the herbal tea & pedialyte and water with colloidal silver. Every 8 hours he recieved the antibiotic. All he did was sleep. He did not look well. He threw up after I got him home (about the 2nd hour of having the tea). Around 12:30 PM on Monday he went outside on his own, but snuck around to the back where Jack has a huge pile of yard debris in a fenced in area. I called him, but he wouldn’t come out. I walked away for a few minutes to talk to my neighbor and when I came back, I could not see him any more. I hoped he had gone back in the house. I looked all over the house. Then all over the back yard again. Then I finally went into the debris area (scary) and could not see him. I was panicking. I became hysterical. No one was here to help me. I screamed and cried for him.

    Finally I put on good shoes and went into the debris area another time – armed with a hoe (in case of snakes). Way down in the middle of the tangled brush and branches I saw him. I don’t know if he couldn’t get out or just wouldn’t. It was like he was going go just lay there and die. This whole ordeal had been about 2 hours. I had to break the branches and pull them with the hoe to remove him, but I did it. I carried him in crying and hugging him.

    I continued the routine the rest of the afternoon. He did drink water on his own after being outside so long in the heat. He slept continuously. It was a long night. I was exhaused – by now it was the 3rd night of dealing with him. At 10 am on Tues. the doorbell rang, and the package had arrived.

    We now switched from tea and amoxicillan to Parvaid (Paxaid) and Vibactra Plus. The Parvaid (Paxaid) had to be administered every hour until he began to eat & drink on his own – usually takes 12- 24 hours. After 7 hours, he was up and wanted to eat. I couldn’t believe it. He was wagging his tail and had life in his eyes again. A real miracle!

    It is now Wednesday, the 3rd day since the diagnosis, and he is so alive and so much a puppy again! My contact person with the Parvaid was an angel. She walked me through everything using email. She gladly answered all my questions and was so relieved when I told her how well he was doing already.

    If you want to know about holistic methods to take care of your pet, check out: and tell them “Miles” sent you! They are located in Lake Elsinore, CA and I hope to visit there the next time I go see Melody. Miles would have died without this protocol. I plan to give all the information to both my vet and the Emerg. Vet, as well as the store I buy all my “natural” dog food from.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this. I really needed to tell everyone. I had really cried out to God on Sunday night for an answer. He gave it to me with the wonderful people at Wolf Creek Ranch. What a true blessing. I thank God for sparing Miles and teaching me something that can help others.

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  2. Tonya

    Abby continues to thrive. Her appetite is ravenous. She’s back fully on her raw diet as of Saturday morning (Friday night she ate cooked chicken). She ate three full meals yesterday and woke up this morning starving. She ate breakfast heartily.

    I gave her the Parvaid (Paxaid) through last night. I actually left the house this morning and forgot to give it to her. I had planned to give it to her one more day, even though as of yesterday it was two full days after she started eating.

    I’m attaching a picture of Abby, along with me and my daughter. This was taken early Saturday afternoon, 3.5 days since her first symptom appeared and less than 48 hours after her diagnosis at the vet – and her most serious moments.

    What a testimony to a healthy, natural lifestyle and alternative medicine. Parvaid will ALWAYS be recommended by me!!

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  3. LaDawn B.

    I am sending this email to let you know how well our dog has bounced back after being diagnosed with parvo. Ive sent a couple of emails updating our progress. She is now eating, drinking, playing, going normal pottys:) and everything else a nine month old chihuahua/jack russel mix should be doing, bouncing off the walls! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! That is all I can say to you! We don’t have to bury this precious dog who we got on Halloween day. She weighs a total of 4.5 lbs. and is a bundle of energy now. You would never know that last Friday she couldn’t even lift her head. I will recommend this program to everyone I know, it truly is a miracle worker. Honestly, prior to me getting the Parvaid (Paxaid) and Vibactra Plus, we had to use the emergency tea for two days. As a result of just the tea, she was eating and drinking normally. The Parvaid and Vibactra has been the proverbial icing on the cake. My husband and I followed the directions for the tea and the Parvaid (Paxaid) to a tee, and its paid off! Anything I can do to help, such as promoting this product, and the tea!, let me know.

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mL / cc

Servings Per 1oz Bottle

Estimated Days 1oz Will Last

Under 3lbs





3 - 10lbs





11 - 25lbs





26 - 80lbs





81 - 150lbs





151 - 250lbs





General (Dogs): Give orally every 15 minutes for the first hour, then every hour until the animal’s stomach is calm for 6 hours.

Long Term (Dogs): Give up to 4 times daily until no longer needed.

Additional Amber Glass Bottles like the 1oz or 4oz dropper bottle, can split up the tincture into a smaller bottle which helps to prevent cross contamination. To assure sterile administration without carry over from pet to pet is to use the dropper only to transfer product to an individual sterile oral syringe, using a different syringe for each pet. Those syringes should be sterilized after each use. Each pet should have its own syringe that is not shared with another pet.

The use of a syringe containing measured drops from the dropper will also remove the risk of the animal biting the glass dropper.

These Veterinary Syringes are luer slip syringes without needles that are excellent for administering measured amounts of Colloidal Silver, tinctures, etc. Reinforced tip, large finger grips, smooth draw and easy-to-read graduations.

For use with Paxaid, syringe size needed is based on the weight of the puppy. We suggest two syringes, one for oral doses and one for enema doses (if not being given Sub Q fluids or on IV’s, enemas are or may be necessary to prevent dehydration). Make sure to mark the enema syringe clearly, as you never want to accidentally use an enema syringe for an oral dose, even after it’s been washed.

Active Ingredients per mL: Proprietary Blend of Colloidal Silver, Rosehips, Echinacea Root, Garlic, Oregon Grape Root, Goldenseal Root, Peppermint Leaf, Plantain Leaf, Chamomile Flower, Spearmint Leaf, Yarrow, Hibiscus Flower 148 mg

Inactive Ingredients: Filtered Water, Grain Alcohol USP 19 – 24% by volume

Safe use in pregnant animals or animals intended for breeding has not been proven. If animal’s condition worsens or does not improve, stop product administration & consult your veterinarian. An examination from a veterinarian is recommended prior to using this product.

For animal use only. Not intended for animals under 6 weeks of age. Keep out of reach of children and animals. In case of accidental overdose, contact a health professional immediately.

Paxaid should NOT be used together with Amber NaturalZ HWF, Kitty-DT or ProTummy.