Basic Zapper

5 reviews|3 answered questions


The Basic Zapper is a low cost alternative to the Terminator Zapper.  It has the same 15Hz circuit as the Don Croft designed Terminator but is missing advanced features like;  crystals, a magnet, an orgone generator & mobius coil.  This unit pulses at about 2/3rds the strength of the Terminator however, it is a smaller device which measures in at 2.25″x1.75″x.75″.  This device is conveniently sized & very easy to use anytime.  This is a great “starter” unit recommended for those who just want to try before investing in the Terminator.

The Basic Zapper starter instruction sheet can be found here.

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The Basic & Terminator Zappers conveniently sized devices that were designed originally by Don Croft based on original, larger units developed by Dr Hulda Clark.  Her original & effective devices helped paved the way for these smaller units which are easier to integrate in normal daily activities.  These devices operate at 14-16hz controlled, steady pulses which were reported to be effective for a wide range of health issues.

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Basic Zapper Basic Zapper
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What are the benefits of the 15 Hz frequency? Common Q. asked on February 5, 2025

By utilizing lower frequencies, you'll achieve maximum skin penetration and optimal parasite-killing effectiveness. Plus, the 15Hz frequency delivers a remarkably comfortable experience that ensures you'll stick with your treatment regimen for the best possible results.

brad-@-admin answered on February 5, 2025 store manager
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Is the Basic Zapper safe to use? Common Q. asked on February 5, 2025

Zappers' outstanding safety record speaks for itself, with countless users of all ages reporting positive experiences and zero harmful effects. Any initial discomfort you may experience is simply a sign that the device is working effectively, and these symptoms typically resolve within days. While not suitable for early pregnancy or pacemaker users, zappers remain a trusted and reliable wellness tool for most people.

brad-@-admin answered on February 5, 2025 store manager
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What is a zapper? Common Q. asked on February 5, 2025

Research by Dr. Clark and real-world evidence demonstrate zappers' remarkable ability to cleanse your body of harmful invaders. By generating subtle electrical currents, these devices activate your bloodstream's natural defense mechanisms. The result? Your enhanced white blood cells efficiently eliminate parasites, bacteria, fungi, and viruses, naturally purging these toxins through your kidneys - giving you a cleaner, healthier internal environment.

brad-@-admin answered on February 5, 2025 store manager
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Based on 5 reviews
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  1. David Keene

    I don’t wear my zapper all the time. I probably should but I am too active, I work with the public and I can’t run around with it all the time though if I have some sit down time I can drop it inside my t-shirt for a while. Or coach tape it to the back of my calf (I had an infection from an ingrown hair and scratching the itch that I had to take care of. Two applications of 15-20 minutes and I was fine 24 hours later).

    I have receding gums, particularly my lower right jaw and sometimes I get food particles stuck between the gums and teeth. By the time I manage to floss or placker them all out my gum can swell with infection and pain. My zapper applied to the affected area of my jaw 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes knocks out the swelling and pain in short order. No more than a day and a half. Often one application does it. I used to have to soak my gums in peroxide or Listerine and that often takes several days to work and for the pain and swelling to leave. My zapper works much better and far faster.

    When coming down with a cold or a flu I apply my zapper to my upper sinuses, moving it about every 10 minutes from the center to each side and then the cheek sinuses. Then my gums. I’ve found that there’s some connection between my gums and my cheek sinuses, I can feel the effect all the way up and down, and if I hit all the areas I am over the attempted infection in a few hours. I’ll do that at least 3 times a day for 2 days and that’s it for respiratory infections.

    At work I can only use my zapper for 10-15 minutes at a time during a break, but with longer sessions in the morning and evening it works out. I am basically a door greeter at work and so every sniveling, coughing human wreck existing on pizza and pepsi that comes in gets a chance to pass their misery on. I’m a vegan but my enhanced immune system does not always protect me. Eliminating bad food from my diet changed the frequency of colds and flu for me, diminished them a lot and my zapper has taken care of the rest of the cold and flu overachievers. Before I became vegan my zapper was what I relied upon to keep me healthy.

    My wife has for years had severe sinus infections. She’s had to take 30 day courses of antibiotics. Had sinus surgery twice in the last 10 years to remove polyps. The doctor had to perforate her sinus cavity septum (join her upper sinus cavities) to prevent impaction. In general she was miserable. Now when she feels a sinus infection coming on she zaps it, sometimes for an hour in the middle of the early morning and that’s that. She hasn’t had to take antibiotics to eradicate an infection for at least 2, going on 3 years. I think that she had an endemic infection that no longer exists now. Hallelujah! If my wife’s happy, I’m happy.

    Thank you a BUNCH for making these available. I throw a charged up Sanyo or RayOVac 9 volt battery in it and go from there. Unfortunately I didn’t have my zapper secured well and it bounced out of my pocket on the way home from work on my motorcycle today. It was crushed to smithereens by the cars behind me on the highway. With my ten dollar battery. My wife offered me hers to use but I figure I better just get another and a spare in case I oopsie again.

    The people who run Amazon and our physician community are idiots.

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  2. Carlos C.

    I have been using basic zapper quite often and I really notice considerable differences.One of them is that I sleep much better now that I did some weeks ago.I usually woke up in the middle of the night without having any reason for that and now I think that I sleep deeply, wake up light , relaxed and not heavy as I used to.
    During the day I feel lighter , don’t get tired so easily.
    I have a son with a lymphoma and we are using the zapper quite often.He
    follows a strict diet apart from other homeopathic medicines and he’s getting over quite well. He say that when he uses the zapper two lymph nodes which have have been bothering have decreased in size, no problems with his intestines as he had some time go.
    So, I can assure that the zapper has been like a sacred jewel for all of us.
    I let you know about the result of my son when we get the results of an abdominal ultrasound exam he is going to do soon. As soon as we get the zapper terminator everyone of us are going to use it for sure.

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  3. Carlos Costa

    I have been using basic zapper quite often and I really notice considerable differences.One of them is that I sleep much better now that I did some weeks ago.I usually woke up in the middle of the night without having any reason for that and now I think that I sleep deeply, wake up light , relaxed and not heavy as I used to. During the day I feel lighter , don’t get tired so easily.

    I have a son with a lymphoma and we are using the zapper quite often.He follows a strict diet apart from other homeopathic medicines and he’s getting over quite well. He say that when he uses the zapper two lymph nodes which have have been bothering have decreased in size, no problems with his intestines as he had some time go. So, I can assure that the zapper has been like a sacred jewel for all of us.

    I let you know about the result of my son when we get the results of an abdominal ultrasound exam he is going to do soon. As soon as we get the zapper terminator everyone of us are going to use it for sure.

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Before Using: Carefully take off the back of the Terminator & place a 9v battery inside the battery area. Be careful to not pull on any wires. Place the back part of the Terminator back on the unit.

Turn the switch to the on position. You should see the green light bulb come on. Place the zapper against your skin as both of the copper discs must be touching bare skin. This device can indeed zap (tingle/bite/itch) during use & you must either move the device to another area of the body or temporarily discontinue use. It is possible for the device to burn holes in the skin if left unattended!

When first starting out, it is recommended to place on the pads of the feet or palms of the hands. The skin is thicker in these areas & this allows the body to acclimate to use. You can use a Zapper Strapper (can be placed in a waistband, bra strap, side of your sock or elastic bandage) to wrap the Terminator in place or place inside of sock. Turn on & go to sleep. Use every other night. Overnight use allows the body to focus on healing & repair. This also helps with acclimation to using the device so it doesn’t zap/bite during day use.

The success of your zapping depends mainly on how often you use it & the length of time of the sessions. We suggest wearing it as often as possible (abiding by the move/discontinue use when it starts zapping rule) for the first month & then whenever you feel like it after that.

We recommend you clean the copper (electrodes) with Wrights Copper Cleaner or your favorite tooth paste. As your body detoxes, it tarnishes the copper pennies, so cleaning them is important to make sure you are getting the best contact and use from your Zapper.

Replace the 9 volt battery with an Alkaline battery. One 9 volt battery operates at peak performance for 96 hours. So, if I were dealing with a dis-ease such as cancer, I would change my Basic Zapper 9 volt alkaline battery every 4 days (96 hours). I personally change my 9 volt alkaline battery when I go through a 24 hour day without it stinging me at least once. Don Croft advises he changes his 9 volt battery when the blinking light goes out. Depending on the battery you buy, if you wait for the light to go out, the time frame could be 2 to 4 weeks, if wearing your Zapper 24/7.

1-year warrantee to retail customers against defects in manufacture or materials but not against breaking the switch or the battery connector, dunking in liquids, abrading the terminals & similar.

If your Zapper is out of warranty or was physically damaged (not warrantied) you can contact us for instructions & cost associated with getting it back in working condition.

Zappers can be used anywhere EXCEPT the face or the neck area.

If or when the device zaps (tingle/bite/itch) it is of the utmost importance to move the device to another part of the body or temporarily discontinue use.

Some individuals are quite sensitive to Zappers while others may be able to use the device indefinitely without being “zapped”. For people whom are extremely sensitive to the device, please start slowly with the pads of the feet or palms of the hands. This will help your body acclimate to use of the device & will allow for longer durations on other parts of the body over time.